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The Collocation Games

How the Collocation Games work and which versions are available

The Collocation Game Versions

There are now two versions of the collocation game. They are both web based and they are the extended versions previusly only available as an app. They are:

  • Collocation Game 1
    • Vocabulary: The most frequent 1147 content words in English. You can download a pdf of the words used in Collocation Game 1 which gives the exact numbers of the words used and whether they are used as headwords, collocates or distractors.
    • Levels 225.
    • Target Pre-intermediate. Even though this version contains the most common content words in English as headwords, some of the distractors and collocates are less frequently used words. Also some grammatical knowledge and an awareness of collocation is needed. So it's not suitable for students who are just beginning to learn English.
    • Link: Collocation Game 1

  • Collocation Game Academic
    • Vocabulary: 1302 academic content words in English.
    • Levels 135. You can download a pdf of the words used in Collocation Game 1 which gives the exact numbers of the words used and whether they are used as headwords, collocates or distractors.
    • Target Post-intermediate. The focus of this version is academic vocabulary for those who are studying in tertiary education.
    • Link: Collocation Game Academic

How to Play

The video below explains all of the important features of the game.

Scoring and Levels

Each correct choice scores 5 points. Each incorrect choice scores minus 1 point. If you lose more than 5 points in a level, the level will be repeated before you can move up to the next level. You need to score 40 points to reach level 2, and 40 more for each subsequent level.

Once you have made a correct choice of headword, you can access further information about the headword by touching the round blue i button. This information is available for many words in the free version and all headwords in the premium version. You can dismiss the extra information panel by touching the close button or by swiping up at the top of the panel.

Your score is saved so that when you start a new game you can pick up from where you left off. Revisit the previous level by pressing the i button and then the "Previous Level" button. If you want to start from zero, press the red i button and then the "Reset" button. You can dismiss these options by touching the close button or by swiping up at the top of the panel.

Items in each level are presented in random order, as are the collocates, the distractors, and any further collocates in the feedback panel. So if you repeat a level you will probably not see the items as they were first presented.


No user information is required or stored in this game. Two cookies are set and updated as the game is played. They only contain the score and the level at each stage of the game; nothing else.

You can contact Writing Support on the contact page of the Writing Support site.
