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How to get the most out of the interactive resources on this site


Many of the pages on this site are interactive. This means that by mousing over or clicking on certain parts of a page more information or explanations are revealed. There are also drag and drop elements to help you test your understanding, multiple choice and true/false tests and animations. Most explanations are based on real texts. Where real texts are used, links to the original text are provided. In some cases the excerpts used for explanation can be expanded to reveal the full original text by clicking on this icon . None of the original texts have been altered in any way.


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Text which is underlined in this wayMousing over the underlined words reveals extra informaion. gives further information about the underlined words when you mouse over them.

You can see more information about using the interactive content in this site in this video:

Definitions and Searching the Site

As with any discipline See the glossary definition , there are words and phrases used in a particular way and with a particular meaning when discussing the the topics of writing and text. For this reason we have included a glossary See the glossary definition page which explains many of these terms.

You can also click on the search icon at the top of each page to bring up the search page Go to the Search page if you are looking for a particular topic.

Quick links to selected glossary definitions

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
abstract noun activity verb adjective adverb
animate noun aspectual verb adjective complement adverb complement of a preposition
collective noun auxiliary verb adjective phrase adverb forms
common noun causative verbs attributive adjective adverb phrase
compound noun communication verbs comparative adverb phrase roles
concrete noun complex transitive verb compound adjective adverb uses
countable noun ditransitive verb degree complements adverbial particle
deverbal noun dynamic verb gradable adjective adverbials
mass noun existence verb participial adjective approximators
modal noun finite verb postposed adjective degree complement of adverbs
noun complement clause irregular verb predicative adjective diminishers
noun phrase lexical verb proper adjective relative adverb
proper noun mental verb superlative transition adverbial
shell noun modal verb
uncountable noun monotransitive verb
non-finite verb
occurrence verb
phrasal verb
phrasal-prepositional verb
prepositional verb
primary verb
stative verb
transitive verb
verb phrase

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